Google Maps plugin for Cordova. Contribute to mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps development by creating an account on GitHub.
Start a native view relative to your cordova app, or an external app - mfdeveloper/cordova-plugin-nativeview A simple cordova app that hosts a redux backed onsen ui project. - elixic/cordova-redux-onsenui CordovaApp With Push Notification, PHP as Back-End - gabrieldarezzo/cordova_app Cordova plugin for delegating handling of URL scopes to the application. - AyogoHealth/cordova-plugin-app-scope Using cordova-fetch for cordova-android@6.3.0 Adding android project Creating Cordova project for the Android platform: Path: platforms/android Package: com.bottlerocketapps.storycorps Name: StoryCorps Activity: MainActivity Android… DevRel at large, Star Wars nerd, Web/Serverless hacker, lover of good beer and good books. Oh, and cats. The Intel XDK release notes provide an up-to-date summary of new features, issues addressed and outstanding known issues with workarounds.
19 Aug 2015 Download ngCordova zip file, here's site link: Official Site Docs Download Link Unzip If you never created an Ionic Framework application you can find more console.log( "SUCCESS: " + JSON.stringify(result.response));. } If you are a merchant who has a mobile application built using the Cordova or Note that both downloads include code to support both iOS and Android. URL scheme, implement the application:OpenURL:annotation in your App delegate. allowedCardTypes, String, Json array of allowed network or card types as String 4 Aug 2017 Of course, you first need to create a Firebase application if you don't have one yet. page, you can then click a link to Add Firebase to your Android app. On the next page you can then download google-services.json file, 14 Nov 2014 Cordova wraps the HTML, CSS and JavaScript web app using the native shell Inside manifest.json we'll define a few settings required by the Chrome app. We'll be fetching the tweets from an external service url, so we'll also We'll use jQuery to make our AJAX call, so download it to the scripts folder If you develop hybrid apps based on the Apache Cordova framework, you can use the client SDK that Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) provides for Cordova. baseUrl — The URL your app uses to connect to its mobile backend. Copy the google-service.json file you downloaded in step 1 to the root of your project, 20 Apr 2015 Hi, I have two questions regarding my "package.json" file: 1. here is a good link with some useful state commands: When intsalling the dependencies of an existing app your need to install all of the cordova plugins listed in I have developped a small plugin to download and install all plugins listed in
This Apache Cordova review and tutorial will examine Cordova app and Cordova will use git behind the scenes in order to download required dependencies. At this point, you should only have the android.json file which should have the href="css/" />
Angular Module for Cordova app to open other iOS / android url app schemes - Gnsps/URLSchemer
Spawn multiple cordova enabled webviews in one app - phonegap/phonegap-plugin-multiview Cordova AdMob Plugin. Contribute to ratson/cordova-plugin-admob-free development by creating an account on GitHub. Cordova plugin that handles Facebook integration in mobile apps. - ccsoft/cordova-facebook Contribute to localytics/cordova-template-app development by creating an account on GitHub. [Deprecated] Apache Cordova blackberry. Contribute to apache/cordova-blackberry development by creating an account on GitHub. Learn how to create your first Cordova hybrid app using Cordova CLI.